Impact of National Education Policy-2020 on Higher Education System

Report of Webinar on Impact of National Education Policy-2020 on Higher Education System

A webinar was organized by IQAC on the topic ‘Impact of National Education Policy-2020 on Higher Education System on 19 July, 2021 on Zoom platform. The webinar was attended by 141 participants. The resource person for the session was Prof. K.S. Sharma, Advisor, IIS (Deemed to be University), Jaipur. He reviewed the objectives of NEP 1986 and 1992 and highlighted the features of operation black board, national core curriculum, computer literacy,  functional literacy, adult education, access to all, women education, consolidation and expansion of HEIs, redesigning of courses, continuing education, open and distance education, training of teachers,  strengthening of research, development of autonomous colleges, improvement in efficiency through computerization of data, sanction of development grants and accreditation and assessment of HEIs. He examined the NEP-2020 in the light of this review. He stated that NEP envisages that universities should produce world ready citizens. He explained the restructuring of universities and colleges. The NEP recommends that the institutions should be categorized into three types:  research intensive, teaching intensive and autonomous degree awarding colleges. All institutions are required to be multi-disciplinary and should have closer collaboration with industry. He discussed the vision of NEP regarding new universities, multi-disciplinary education and research universities and online education. He also threw light on restructuring of regulatory system, restructuring of curriculum and courses, optimal learning environment, internationalization of higher education, student support system, faculty development, teacher education and  vocational education He raised certain reflective questions regarding restructuring of higher education institutions. He concluded that vision of NEP is to develop the higher education institutions on the lines of ancient Nalanda and Takshila universities. It is a step forward to empower the colleges and universities.  . The faculty members also raised their queries about implementation of the policy. The session enriched the understanding of the faculty members about the new policy. It also motivated the faculty members to adapt to the changes as proposed in the policy in a manner which is beneficial for the students, university and to the society as a whole.