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Seminar on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights


Seminar on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights



A Seminar on Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights was organized on March 10, 2016 by Intellectual Property Management Cell (IPMC), The IIS University, Jaipur. The seminar was sponsored by Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Authority (PPV&FRA), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi. The venue of the seminar was Vinayak Hall, The IIS University, SFS, Gurukul Marg, Mansarovar, Jaipur-302020. Dr. Payal Mehtani was the seminar convenor and Dr. Shilpi Rijhwani and Mr. Pankaj Kumar were the organizing secretaries of the seminar.

The program started with the Inaugural welcome address delivered by Prof. Pradeep Bhatnagar, Dean, Faculty of Science, The IIS University, Jaipur followed by the address of the Chief Guest of the event Dr. G. V. Reddy, Chief Wildlife Warden, Govt. of Rajasthan.

The first lecture was delivered by Mr. Sundaram Verma, farmer and plant breeder from village Danta, district Sikar, Rajasthan on topic ‘Farmers’ Innovation and Crop Diversity’. He is a National Award Winner in the subject. He is founder of Society for Working on Agro Biodiversity Horticulture Initiatives Management and Nature (SWABHIMAN - an NGO) that includes 15 grass root innovator awardees in various areas and aims to provide support and promotion to their innovations. Mr. Verma showed various varieties of vegetables that he has bred along with his fellow workers. He was accompanied by two lady farmers who shared their experience in the subject and exhibits the quality agro-produce of owned farm.

The second lecture was on the topic ‘An Overview of Indian agriculture with Specific Reference to Rajasthan and the Seed Legislation Including the PVP Act 2001’ was delivered by Shri N.S. Rathore, Former Director, Seed Certification, Rajasthan.

This was followed by lecture of Mr. Rajveer Choudhary, Director, Rajasthan Adult Education Association, Jaipur on topic ‘Indian Agriculture in Global Perspective’. Next was the lecture delivered by Dr. E.V. Divakara Sastry, Professor, RARI, Jaipur ‘Farmers Right Protection Act’ 2001’. He added a note on the problems faced by Indian farmers.

The seminar concluded with the remarks of Mr. Pankaj Kumar, Asst. Prof. and IP Attorney, The IIS University, Jaipur.



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