9-10th March 2018
The two day National Conference on ‘Women Empowerment: Strategies and Interventions’ held on 9th-10th March 2018 was organised by the Women’s Cell of The IIS University, Jaipur. The conference comprised of V technical sessions, each session was open for healthy discussion. More than 100 delegates registered in the conference from all over the country. The conference began with the inaugural ceremony in the august presence of Chief Justice S. N. Bhargava, Chancellor, The IIS University, Jaipur. Prof. Roopa Mathur, Dean Academics, The IIS University, Jaipur, welcomed all the delegates. Aims & objectives of the conference were highlighted by the Convenor, Ms. Chanda Asani. Chief Guest Sh. Yogendra Durlabhji, Managing Director, Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital, Jaipur, delivered the Keynote address. He emphasised that empowerment is not limited to any gender/sex; it comes from within. His speech was followed by the enlightened words of Justice S.N. Bhargava. He said that the respect & privilege to women in India is bestowed since time immemorial.
Prof K. L. Sharma, Advisor The IIS University greeting Chief Guest, Sh. Yogendra Durlabhji | Inaugural Session, 9th March 2018 |
Session I Women through the Lens of Media was chaired by Dr. Mira Desai, Reader, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. Resource person of the session was Prof. Sudhir Soni, BBD Govt. College, Chimanpura, Jaipur. Dr. Desai said that Universe is complete only if woman has equal rights and also added that seeking the path of violence to attain equity is not desired, as was depicted in Indian films like ‘Khoon bhari maang’. Dr. Sudheer Soni concluded that the influence of media on the society is only 6% and therefore there has to be change in the psyche to attain equality in the society.
The chairperson of Session II Women’s Health: Significant Concerns was Prof. Ila Joshi, Head, Department of Home Science, The IIS University, Jaipur and the resource person was Dr. Rashmi Saraswat, Mahavir International Foundation, Jaipur. Dr. Saraswat pointed out the ignorance of attitude women have towards their own health and discussed that adequate nutrition is important for women as it directly affects the health & development of the next generation.
Dr. Ruchi Goswami welcoming Dr. Ila Joshi | Dr Rashmi Saraswat speaking of Women’s Health |
The Session III was Women & Workplace: Challenges & Opportunities. Prof. Anita Singh, Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, chaired this session. She said that working woman should know her legal rights and also discussed about the National policies of women empowerment. Resource persons of the session were Dr. Rashmi Jain, Associate Professor, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur and Dr. Prakashwati Sharma, Chinmay Foundation, Mumbai. Dr. Jain talked about the various ways to bridge the gender gap at working place and Dr. Sharma emphasised that instead of making gender comparisons, we should rather focus on cumulative growth.
The highlight of the conference was the panel discussion on Women Gaining New Heights: Breaking stereotypes which was telecasted on city live.
The moderator Dr. Anita Hada engaged with the panellists were Dr. Mira Desai, Dr. Anita Singh, Dr. Sudheer Soni, Dr. Neelam Bapna, Dr. Rashmi Saraswat & Ms. Poornima in a lively discussion to end the first day of the conference.
Day 2 of the conference began with the commencement of Session IV Women Gaining New Heights: Breaking Stereotypes. The session was chaired by Dr. Umesh Rai, G.D. Govt. College for Women, Alwar. He started with paying homage to Savitribai Phule on her birth date and suggested that change in the psychology of people is necessary to eradicate the existing stereotypes.
Speakers of the session were Dr. Asha Saxena, Assistant Director, Department of Petroleum, Jaipur and Ms. Anshu Harsh, Editor, Simply Jaipur Magazine. Dr. Saxena motivated the participants to choose goals & work sincerely to achieve the same. Ms. Anshu told that women need to recognise that she is already empowered and should listen to her inner voice & have courage to share her ideas. It was an interactive session with audience participation.
Session V Women & Law, was chaired by Dr. Vijay Laxmi, Dean, Faculty of Arts & Law, Manipal University, Jaipur. She highlighted the newly framed laws for the welfare of women & juvenile justice in rape cases. The speaker of the session was Dr.Preeti Joshi, University Five Year Law College, Jaipur told that women’s rights are human rights and women should be treated equal to men.
Session VI comprised of the oral presentations given by the delegates. The judges for the presentations were Prof. Ila Joshi, Prof. Nisha Yadav and Prof. Sharad Rathore. First prize was given to Meeshu Gupta. She called her mother on stage to accept it. Second paper was won by Ms. Alita Beniwal and third awarded to Ms. Sarika Thorat.
The best three presenters were awarded certificates by Justice Meena Gombar.
Valediction ceremony included a motivational speech given by Justice Meena V. Gomber, Chairperson, Gomber Education Foundation.
The Chancellor Chief Justice S. N. Bhargava, University advisor Prof K L Sharma and Dean Commerce Prof M K Sharma graced the occasion. Dr. Pragya Sharma shared the proceedings of the two day conference.