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The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a youth development movement. It has enormous potential for nation building. The NCC provides opportunities to the youth of the country for their all-round development with a sense of duty, commitment, dedication, discipline and moral values so that they become able leaders and useful citizens. The NCC provides exposure to the cadets in a wide range of activities with a distinct emphasis on social services, discipline and adventure training. The NCC is open to all regular students of schools and colleges on a voluntary basis. The students have no liability for active military service.

Objectives of NCC

  • To develop character, commandership, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and the ideals of selfless service amongst the youth of the country
  • To create a human resource of organised, trained and motivated youth to provide leadership in all walks of life and always available for the service of the nation
  • To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces

Activity Calendar


120 JulyOrientation Programme (NCC)
225 Sept- 4 OctoberNCC group selection at Churu
34-13 OctoberNCC Special Naval CATC camp, Ajmer
47-16 OctoberPVSC camp, Kota
514-23 OctoberIGC & Group selection camp
615-24 OctoberNCC CATC Camp, Jamdoli
730 October - 10 NovemberVayu Sainik camp, Bangalore
815-28 NovemberNCC camp, Ajmer
919-28 NovemberPre RD camp I (NCC)




125 October - 2 NovemberCATC camp, Jamdoli, Jaipur 
Events & Activities:


32 NCC Cadets attending CATC camp 2013 at Jamdoli, Jaipur from 25 October - 2 November

15th August parade

7 NCC Cadets attended 15th August parade in Jaipur, organised by 1 Raj Air Sq. NCC.

Blood Donation Camp

ICG NCC Cadets attended Blood Donation Camp held at 1 Raj Air Sq. on 16 August

CATC Camp 2012

32 NCC Cadets and Ms. Neelam Sharma as caretaker attended the CATC Camp held at Jamroli, Jaipur from 2nd November to 11th November.

Seminar on Psychological Changes for Adolescence Girls

20 NCC cadets attended one day seminar on Psychological Changes for Adolescence Girls at Gandhi Nagar School, Jaipur on 9th October 2012.

Guest Lecture on Carrier in Defense Service

30 NCC Cadets attended Guest Lecture on Carrier in Defense Service by Col. Sharma on 28th September 2012 in ICG Campus.

CATC Camp 2011
32 NCC Cadets attended CATC Camp from 2-11 November at Jamdoli jaipur.

RD camp
Cdt Sgt Tripti Rathore of B.A. Sem II & Cdt. Sgt. Swati Rathore of B.Sc. Sem II attended the Republic Day Parade, 2012 at New Delhi. Tripti Rathore was selected for Guard of Honour & for "Salami" in the Prime Minister's rally on 27th January 2012. Swati Rathore was selected as the “Best Briefer” in the flag area and the “Best Marker” in the Prime minister rally in All India Republic Day camp. Rajasthan scored 6th position in the flag area at Republic Day Camp.



Individual achievements 2011-2012

Prevayun Sanik Camp

Chirantana Kumari, Chanda Barla, Abilasha Sharma, Shruti are NCC Cadets who attended Prevayun Sanik Camp held at Kota, 24 August- 2 September 2012.


Vayu Sanik Camp

Chirantana Kumari and Chanda Barla selected and represented 1 Raj  Air Sq. Jaipur in the Vayu Sanik Camp held at Bangalore, 26 September - 22 October 2012.


Pre R.D. Camp Phase I

Nidhi Rathore and Sakshi Nahta attended Pre R.D. Camp Phase I (Individual Group Selection Camp) held at Churu, 26 September - 5 October 2012.


Individual Group Selection Camp

Nidhi Rathore attended Individual Group Selection Camp held at Jaipur, 10 - 30 October


All India Girls Tracking Expenditia

Nikita, Sonalpreet, Aisharya Ranawat, Kiran Bala attended All India Girls Tracking Expenditia 2012, held at Ajmer, 19 October - 26 October 2012.

  • NCC Cadet Swati Rathore was awarded as Rank of Warrant Officer by 1 Raj Air Sq. NCC.

Individual achievements 2013-2014

S. noNameCampTime periodAchievement
1CWO Abhilasha Sharma & Madhvi KuntalNIC (National Integrated Camp)18 - 29 June 2013Cdt. Madhvi Cuntal received the Best behaviour award & Cdt. Warrant Officer Abhilasha Sharma bagged the Gold Medal for Best Senior Rajasthan Directorate & both have got First Prize in Tug Of War and second Prize in NIAP & Group Dance
2Sakshi Nata, Nidhi Rathore, Cdt. Cpl.Pushpendra Gurjar, Sonalpreet Kaur, Chirantana Kumari,MonikaIndependence day Parade, Jaipur15 August 2013 
3Yukti Gurtu, Cdt. Cpl.Pushpendra Gurjar & Barkha ChauhanPre Vayu Sainik Camp (PVSC)-Barkha Chauhan got Gold Medal in Skit Shooting., Yukti gurtu got 2nd prize in Health & Hygiene & Cdt. Cpl.Pushpendra Gurjar got 2nd position in Static Model
4Sonalpreet Kaur, Swaranjali Saxena, Anjali Sherawat, Nisha Chaturvedi, Navdha Pareek & Jyoti RathoreIGC25 September - 4 October 2013 
5CUO Mansa ShekhawatYouth Exchange Programme17 October 2013 - 30 October 2013 

Individual achievements 2010-2012

S. noNameCampTime period
1Komal RathoreVayu Saink Camp, Bangalore19 Oct - 30 October 2010
2Namrata ShekhawatAir Force Attachment Camp, Hyderabad22 October - 4 November 2010
3Vijaylakhshmi NathawatRepublic Day Camp, Delhi30 December 2010 - 30 January 2011
4Karnika SinghWest Zone Shooting Championship, Gujarat15 July - 26 July 2010
  • 2 cadets from our college attended the PRE-VSC camp held at Kota
  • 4 cadets from our college attended the PRE-RDC camp held at Churu
  • 6 cadets from our college attended the Advance Leadership Camp held at Bihar

Different activities held in our college related to NCC:

  • Salute is given by the NCC Cadets to the Chief Guests on different functions like 26 January, 15 August, annual functions, etc.
  • Cadets are also selected to escort the chief guests to their respective places.

 BEST CADETS 2011-2012

Asha Chabarwal
Swati Rathore
Tripti Rathore

RDC 2014

CADET SWARANJALI SAXENA is selected  as a platoon commander to lead the platoon to be held at delhi on 26 january

A STATIC MODEL SL-76,MI-35,Boeing-200,Mig-31 made by CADET Cpl.PUSHPENDRA GURJAR is selected for an AEROMODELLING COMPETITION to be held at DELHI



CATC: COMBINED ANNUAL TRAINING CAMP, held at Jamdoli during 24th October, 2013 to 02nd November, 2013. 10 Ist year SW and 16 IInd year SW cadets participated in this camp. This was held under the supervision of Wing Commander Pradeep Bishnoi. In this camp training and events such as drill, refile drill, disaster management, sports, lecturers on social awareness programs, cross country, aero-modelling, flying, etc were held. Some interesting events such as night walk of 11 kms around the Jamdoli and morning walk near Kanota dam, flag area, scouting, culture evening at the last night of the camp.






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